Tuesday 23 September 2014

Three Months Earlier

 My heart raced at the feeling of his arm brushing against mine, who knew a simple accidental touch could cause such a reaction.  I mean six months ago it wouldn’t have meant anything; I would have continued talking about my English major like it was no big deal, but now everything he says is a double entendre. I suppose that’s what happens when you develop feelings for your best friend, even if he does have a girlfriend. 

“Anna, where’d you go?” Nick asked.

“Hmm, oh sorry, just day dreaming.” I laughed, “What were you saying?”

“I asked what you were doing this weekend.” He smiled at me. That smile made me weak at the 
knees, thank god we were sitting.

“Umm aren’t we going to Millie’s party tomorrow?” I asked.

“Yeah, I think I’m going to go early though...I wasn’t sure you would come. I’ve got to go early, help set up.” He said smiling and nodding the couple of football boys that walked past.

“Yeah I’ll go, as long as dad doesn’t freak out and decide we need another family night. I guess I’ll see you there.” I smiled.

Hmm where should I begin the story? Well up until about a year ago I was the frumpy friend. I had a bunch of extra weight on me, I work horrible metal braces and I hadn’t fully learnt the benefit of a blow dryer and straighter. Well over the year things have changed, and it all started with Marie. Marie was the new girl last year, she was cool, put together and beautiful, she had confidence basically she was everything I was not.

Don’t get me wrong, I have always had a great bunch of friends, Nick included. But after my mini makeover, thanks to Marie, people were giving me attention and plenty of it. Any way enough about me, you’ll be hearing more soon, I should tell you more about the people that surround me.

Well first there’s Nick: He is 17 and he is possibly the nicest boy I have ever met, he is the goal kicker on the school football team, he is sexy as hell and he could have almost any girl he wanted in school. I guess my opinion is a little bias, seeing as I’m in love with him and I’ve known him forever.  His parent’s own a dairy farm, and his property is adjacent to my families.

Then there’s Marie: Also 17, moved here after her parent’s divorce, her mum bought a little antique shop with her HUGE divorce settlement and they’ve only been here for about a year.
Then there’s Hugh: Will again 17, is a lanky boy with a beautiful goofy smile, he is absolutely lovely too.

We all live in a tiny town of about 1500 people; most of them work for the six big farms in the vicinity. My parents own a winery and Nick and Wills parents co-own a own a dairy farm.

Although our town is fairly small, we have a large school; all the surrounding towns come into Eden for school, more the merrier I suppose.  

“Hello party people, how are we all?” Marie asked.                             

We all rattled off our complaints and continued our weekend plans.

“Well if you’re going early, how about we go later with Will and meet you there?” Marie asked.

 “Awesome.” Will said in agreement.

“Yay! Ok Anna, we’re going shopping today!” Marie squealed, by shopping she meant going to the two stores right near her mum’s antique store, and when we can’t find anything because we bought all the nice stuff the week before we will raid her mother’s closet for something beautiful. We had a system down pat.

I chuckled, “Ok.”

I caught Nick out of the corner of my eye waving at Millie, I don’t know why but my blood boiled, and my cheeks turned a nice shade of angry. Will grabbed my hand, muttering something to the other two about needed to find something.

“Ok Anna, it’s time to face those feelings of yours.” Will said as we walked the boundaries of the oval.

“I can’t, I’m just not ready.”

“I can relate to that, I suppose.” Will said.


  1. Love it already can't wait to read more!!!!

    1. Thank you so much Roberta! I love comments keep them coming! :))))
